Categories: Food

Is your freezer cold enough for salmon sashimi freezing? | 你的冰箱夠凍做三文魚刺身嗎?

According to FDA suggestion, serving raw fish dishes need specific freezing process to the raw fish. The short version is:

  • Freeze the raw fish at -20°C for 7 days then defrost OR
  • Freeze the raw fish at -35°C for 15 hours then defrost

根據FDA的建議,食用刺身需要對生魚類進行特定的冷凍程序。 簡單嚟講:

  • 在攝氏零下20度冷藏生魚類7天,之後解凍 或者
  • 在攝氏零下35度冷藏生魚類15小時,之後解凍

FDA Detailed Information | FDA 詳細資料

Come back to the question, is your freezer cold enough? Most freezers do not mention the freezing power in degree, or the products’ datasheets only tell they can perform at -18°C that suitable for ice cream. You need to find it out using a thermometer.


Freezer that can do -29.2°C | 攝氏零下29.2度的冰箱

Amazon Link | Amazon 鏈接

Cold enough! Let’s freeze some salmon for sashimi. Select unsmoked salmon sides or salmon fillets. These salmon usually skin on, you will need to remove the skin and put it into a freezer bag.


Salmon Side from Ocado | 從Ocado購入的半條三文魚

Ocado Link | Ocado 鏈接

Salmon Side from Ocado | 從Ocado購入的半條三文魚
Salmon Side from Ocado | 從Ocado購入的半條三文魚
Skin Removed | 已去皮
Put Into Freezer Bags | 放入密實袋
Thermometer Next to the Salmon | 放返個溫度計喺隔離

After one week, the results:




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如果您認為此博客有助於您在 Ocado 上獲取所需的貨物,請使用我的推薦鏈接加入 Ocado。你和我都將獲得價值25英鎊的禮品包 。

William Lee

Published by
William Lee

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